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PHASMOLOGY: The Bizarre Art of Paratheatrical Performance

  • From today's leading performer of theatrical and bizarre and magic
  • A powerful new framework for understanding such performances
  • 10 of Prof BC's masterful routines, including "Clarissa" and "Obeah"
  • Practical lessons toward improved performances of any kind


In Phasmology, you will enter the world of Professor BC, the world of half-remembered fears, waking dreams, and the fairy enchantment you thought you gave up when you grew up. He will help you remember that it's all real.

Performer, inventor, lecturer, and philosopher in the dark world of mystery entertainment, Professor BC reveals in Phasmology, for the first time ever, ten of his personal illusions. But more, the book is filled with practical performance advice and insights about magic, performance, and the art of Bizarre Magic.



Known as Professor BC, Brian Jay Corrigan is an internationally recognized, award-winning magician who, along with Banachek and Christian Chelman, is an honorary lifetime member of the British Society of Mystery Entertainers and an inventor of magic whose work has been seen on every continent of the world except Antarctica.

Brian grew up in a show business family and has lengthy professional theater credits, including having performed with Katharine Hepburn and Terri Garr, originating the part of Pizarro in the long-running play South Sea (renamed Balboa), and touring with the professional company of Oliver! in the role of Charley Bates. He was even under consideration for the role of Luke Skywalker. 

In addition to theatrical achievements, Brian Corrigan is Senior Professor of Renaissance Literature at the University of North Georgia. He has been recognized as a Georgia Author of the Year and as Georgia Board of Regents Professor of the Year.  As a mystery performer, Brian works in an exciting new theatrical art form called Living Biography, which weaves together performance, literature, and life history to create a unique form of entertainment, with authors and their works springing to life within the swirling mists of Brian’s magic.



"When is a coin trick not a coin trick? When it is in the hands of Professor BC." Jim Magus, legendary bizarre magician

"We sat enthralled, entranced, and mesmerised by [Professor BC's] presentation. This did not look like a performance... Phasmology became real." Dr. Todd Landman, the Academic Magician

"One of the most creative minds in the field of bizarre magick today." review in Applause: the Journal of Storytelling Arts

Professor BC is the "acclaimed creator of extraordinary magic including Aes Goetia, Doppelganger, The Resurrection Cemetery Gate Key, Phantoms, The Faerie Shilling, DarkSpell, Gyre, and literally dozens of other miracles, perhaps hundreds of routines, and the astonishing 'Corrigan compass' method." Lebanon Circle Magic

"Among the very best book tests are the ones devised and designed by Prof BC." Jim Kleefeld, author of The Book Test Book

"Genius is a word that gets thrown around a lot, but when it comes to [Professor BC] we are in the presence of true genius." Joseph Daniels, magic impresario and creator of The Dark Cabaret


