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Magic Newsletter, December 11, 2022
Dear Friends in Magic,
For me, December is a time for slowing down, feeling thankful, and connecting with family …Magic Newsletter, October 9, 2022
Dear Friends in Magic,
I am writing in early October, as the leaves turn orange in D.C. and the nights grow cold. So, grab a cup of coffee or hot chocolat… Magic Newsletter, August 14, 2022
Dear Friends in Magic,
I have just returned from FISM in Québec City, where hundreds of you signed up for this ne…Magic Newsletter, June 12, 2022
Dear Friends in Magic,
I hope you are well as we head into an exciting summer. I have lots of news this t…Magic Newsletter, April 10, 2022
Dear Friends in Magic,
Spring has sprung! Here in D.C., the cherry blossoms are out in force and everyone has a b…Magic Newsletter, February 12, 2022
Dear Friends in Magic,
I hope that 2022 is off to a great start for you. As I write this, the outlook is very pro…Magic Newsletter, December 12. 2021
Dear Friends in Magic,
Greetings to you as we head into the end-of-year holiday season. Let’s get right to it with…
In 1…Magic Newsletter, October 10, 2021
Dear Friends in Magic,
I hope this finds you well as we head into October and look ahead to the release of Eugene Burger: Final Secrets on Halloween. While we wait for this exciting event, allow m…Magic Newsletter, August 8. 2021
Dear Friends in Magic,
This newsletter contains a long-awaited announcement, but I hope you won’t mind pausing while I share…
About ten years ago, Jeff McBride, Eugene Burger, Mar…Magic Newsletter, June 13, 2021
Dear Friends in Magic,
I am writing this from our new home in Washington, D.C.! Margie and I completed the move, and all is well. We are looking forward to exploring our new city and connecting wi…Magic Newsletter, April 11, 2021
Dear Friends in Magic,
I hope you are doing well as spring begins and vaccinations are underway. In-person shows are starting to open up, along with a second wave of even higher quality Zoom shows…Magic Newsletter, February 14, 2021
Dear Friends in Magic,
Greetings! I hope you are doing well as we move toward vaccination saturation. It seems clear we will get there this year and be able to gather again. Meanwhile, allow me to…